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Zinon 40 is a highly concentrated formulation containing 39.5% Zinc. The function of Zinc is to help the plant produce chlorophyll. Zinc deficiency causes a type of leaf discoloration called chlorosis, which causes the tissue between the veins to turn yellow while the veins remain green. Zinc deficiency can be solved by foliar sprays of Zinon 40.                        Composition : Zinc (as Zn) percent by weight: min. 39.5%

Dose: 1-1.5 ml/ lit

  • Benefits
  • Recommended Crops
  • Specification
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1. Zinon 40 helps control zinc deficiency in crops.
2. It helps the plant to produce chlorophyll.
3. It is a key constituent of many enzymes and proteins metabolism.
4. It is crucial for grain, fruit and plant development.
5. Help reduce the yellowing caused by herbicide applications.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does it contain?

It contains Zinc 39.5 %

Is it organically certified?

Yes it is organically certified.

For which crop will this product be used?

These products are used for all crops, like cereal, pulses, fruit, and vegetables.

Why is it used?

It helps control zinc deficiency in crops and reduces the yellowing caused by herbicide applications.

What is a method of application?

Foliar spray application.

Duration of the second spray?

At the interval of 10 days.