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Vision P is a certified organic product and a source of silicon available in powder form. It acts as a micronutrient. With the use of Vision P, the plant is free from insect and fungal attacks. The film coating on the plant parts controls the evapo transpiration of water. Vision P improves the root zone and provides effective absorption.

Dose : 2 gm/lit of water for foliar spray. 1 kg/acre for soil application.

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1. A rich source of silicon; hence, it acts as a micronutrient as a rich source of silicon.
2. Make a thin layer on plant leaves, thereby preventing the transpiration and evaporation loss of water.
3. Due to formation of the thin layer, plant leaves become hard and prevent plants from sucking pests like thrips, aphids, jassids, mites, whiteflies, etc.
4. It also protects plants from fungal diseases like downy mildew, powdery mildew and blight.
5. It improves the root zone through soil application.
6. Improves the absorption of water and nutrients in rhizosphere.
7. It also increases the resistance power of plants.
8. Protects fruits from sun damage.
9. It helps to increase in the vase life of cut flowers which are harvested from shadenet house and polyhouse.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does it contain?

It contains Colidal Silica – 80%

In what form is it available?

It is available in powder form. 

For which crop will this product be used?

These products are used for all crops, like cereal, pulses, fruit, and vegetables.

Why is it used?

It is used to stimulate and regulate enzyme reactions for plant growth and development. It boosts growth rate, dry matter accumulation, and yield.

What is a method of application?

Foliar spray and Soil application.