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Vertilica is an organic-certified capsule form bio-insecticide developed from the entomopathogenic fungus Verticillium lecanii. These fungi produce toxic compounds that kill a range of insects. The use of this product does not result in residue in the product and it is an eco-friendly product for agricultural use.                                              Content: Verticillium lecanii spores, 1 x 10^8 CFU/mml.


Dose: Foliar spray: 1 Strip / acre


व्हर्टिलिका हे एक सेंद्रिय प्रमाणित कॅप्सूल स्वरूपातील जैविक कीटकनाशक आहे जे व्हर्टिसिलियम लेकानी या एंटोमोपॅथोजेनिक बुरशीपासून विकसित केले जाते. ही बुरशी विषारी संयुगे तयार करते जी अनेक प्रकारच्या कीटकांना मारतात. या उत्पादनाच्या वापरामुळे उत्पादनात कोणतेही अवशेष राहत नाहीत आणि ते शेतीसाठी एक पर्यावरणपूरक उत्पादन आहे.

घटक:व्हर्टिसिलियम लेकेनी बीजाणू १ x १०^८ सीएफयु / मिली.


डोस : १ स्ट्रीप (७ कॅप्सुल्स) / प्रति एकर.

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  • Targeted Pest

1. Verticillium lacenii is a fungus that germinates when it comes into contact with sap-sucking insects.
2. These fungi then enter the insect's body and grow on the inner lining. 
3.  As a result, the hormones in the insect's metabolism are destroyed, and the insect dies. 
4. This fungus is used to effectively control sucking pests such as mealy bugs, aphids, thrips, jassids, whiteflies, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to use a capsule

Open and mix capsule no. 2,3,4,5 in 1 ltr. clean water then open capsule no. 1,6 and 7 and mix in the same solution. Take the solution in 400 ltr. Or required quantity of water and spray it on 1 acre or apply it through drip irrigation.

Why is it used?

What does it contain?

What is the spore count of these products?

What is a method of application?

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