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Zinc deficiency is caused by unfavorable soil conditions, due to heavy or prolonged doses of phosphate fertilizers and cold or wet weather conditions. Ami Zinc is the most effective organic source of zinc and nitrogen. Being an amino acid complex, zinc is completely absorbed by the plant through the foliage. This micronutrient is organic and certified by ECOCERT.


Dose : 0.5 - 1 gm/lit of water for foliar spray , 500 gm/Acre for soil application or as per the recommendation of the soil analysis report

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1. It produces enzymes necessary for the production of proteins. It helps to increase the auxine level in apical parts the plant.                                        2. It helps in sysnthesis of enzymes which are essential for protein sysnthesis.
3. It helps to increase sugar and starch level in the plants and also helps for vigours root growth.
4. Zinc is essential for the production of green chorophyl and carbohydrates in the plant hence helps to reduce the intensity of chlorosis.
5. Due to the presence of zinc in the right amount in the cell of the plant tissue, the crop remains stable even at low temperatures.
6. Increases the plant’s resistance to diseases.
7. It helps to decreases flower and fruit drop effectively fulfills the demand for zinc by the plant.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does it contain?

It contains Zinc sulphate – 12%

It contains Zinc sulphate – 12%

Yes it is organically certified.

For which crop will this product be used?

These products are used for all crops, like cereal, pulses, fruit, and vegetables.

Why is it used?

It is used to produce enzymes necessary for the production of proteins. It is also necessary to increase Brix in the fruit crop. Zinc is essential for starch formation and root growth in crops.

What is a method of application?

Foliar spray and Soil application.

Duration of the second spray?

At the interval of 10 days.